Hi! I’m Vicky and
I’m here to help.


I believe every woman should know their birth rights.



My name is Vicky and I am originally from Madrid, Spain. I come from a family of very strong-minded and empowered women and I was sure from a very young age that helping others was part of what I wanted to do in life.


Here’s how I can help:



I always like to meet up and chat for a bit to get an idea of what it is that you’d like and need from me as a Doula and get to know each other a little, to see if we connect. 

If you’d like me to be your doula, then we’ll see each other a couple of times before the birth of your baby to discuss and talk about your preferences and any other ideas/questions that might come up, I can accompany you to medical appointments if you’d like me to... 

I’ll be on call to attend you during labour from around two weeks before your due date, until the baby arrives. 

I’ll support you during labour and make sure your desires are respected. I can help with non-medical pain relief methods (massage, hypnobirth visualizations… or take a step back and care about holding your space while your birth partner and you go through this experience. 

Once baby is here, I if will only leave when you are settled in your new family bubble. I can help with establishing breastfeeding if that’s your choice. 

I will visit you normally after 24/48 hours to talk about how you’re feeling, your recovery and the birth experience if you wish to do so.


The fourth trimester is real! And I am here to help you navigate it and ease out the way a little. Whether it is loading up some laundry, cooking some nutritious meals or caring for your baby whilst you get some deserved me time (shower, walk/lunch outside or even a nap!) I will make sure that you feel supported and comfortable to relax and take a breather if that’s what you want.


However you choose to feed your baby, I will support you and help you if you need me.

If you are formula feeding, I can help preparing the bottles, sterilising equipment and giving a hand during feeds too. I am familiar with paced feeding and how to help baby take the bottle in the most natural way possible.

If you are breastfeeding and need a bit of advice, I am more than happy to seat and take a look at latch and position for you. As a breastfeeding advocate, I breastfed myself and I am passionate about it. I can signpost you to more professional help if you think it’s needed or if further assessment is necessary. Breastfeeding is also a skill and help to learn and perfect it is available.


Baby massage is a longstanding tradition in many cultures and beneficial in many ways: It helps you bond and connect with your baby so they feel valued and loved and it can also help with issues like colic and reflux. Soothing holds and strokes are given on different areas of the baby’s body offering a lovely experience for parents and babies and a special time for verbal and non-verbal communication between them.

I will happily show you how to perform it on your baby and help you with the movements and oils necessary to do so.


Giving birth to my daughter helped me realise I wanted to help women to experience birth and motherhood in a joyful way, making sure their voice was heard. It inspired me to become a doula.

I truly believe that birth can be a positive and transformative experience, so I want to help provide this environment for all parents-to-be.

Circumstances are different for each of you with many different outcomes and scenarios, so whether you want to have your baby at home, in a birthing center or hospital, in a birthing pool or scheduled for a c-section, I want to be there to support you and your family.


Whatever your budget, we can work something out!

My Birth Package Costs £750, here’s what it includes:

*I will gladly customise a package that suits your needs, so feel free to contact me and we’ll talk about your wishes and the different ways I can support you throughout this amazing experience. Every birth is different, so l’ll be happy to discuss how to best tailor your needs.

Drop me a line or give me a ring – I am here for you.
+44 7761 315209



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